
НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
Management of Tourism and Technology of Planning of the Tourist Product International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research Статьи Мамычева Д.И.
Legal mentality in national cultural space: characteristcs of the era of change (church schism of the 17th century) Man in India Статьи Шестопал С.С.
Мордовцев А.Ю.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Interdisciplinary and “post-disciplinary” approaches in the archetypal studies of the public-power organization of society Man in India Статьи Петрук Г.В.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Formation and evolution of “separation of powers”: global and sociocultural state- legal practice Man in India Статьи Шестопал С.С.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Elitogenesis in the political processes of modern Russia, based on sociological (field) research Man in India Статьи Мамычев А.Ю.
Elites and the formation of constitutionalism: the socio-cultural vector of development Man in India Статьи Мамычев А.Ю.
Dynamics of governmental organization of the society: evolutionary state-legal forms and modern development trends Man in India Статьи Шестопал С.С.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Doctrinal and legal developments of the state law institutions in the context of the russian legal mentality (XIX - early XX centuries) Man in India Статьи Мордовцев А.Ю.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Archetypal foundations of the study of political and legal organization of society: ancient heritage Man in India Статьи Мамычева Д.И.
Мамычев А.Ю.
A practice-oriented approach to research work of students of criminal law specialization Brantova E., Garmaev Y., Karipidi A. A practice-oriented approach to research work of students of criminal law specialization // Научное обеспечение агропромышленного комплекса : сб. ст. по материалам 72-й науч.-практ. конф. студентов по итогам НИР за 2016 год / отв. за вып. А. Г. Кощаев. – Краснодар : КубГАУ, 2017. Доклады Гармаев Ю.П.