
НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
The State Sovereignty and Sovereign Rights: The Correlation Problem Man in India Статьи Шестопал С.С.
The legal and methodological foundations of the dissertation development of legal doctrines in Russia (XIX - early XX centuries) Man in India Статьи Мордовцев А.Ю.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Вронская М.В.
The development of archetypal ideas of a public power organization in rational discourses of modern times Man in India Статьи Филиппова М.К.
Тригуб Г.Я.
Самойличенко А.К.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Sociocultural measurement of institutional and functional characteristics of public-power interactions Man in India Статьи Мамычев А.Ю.
Sociocultural (archetypal) transformation of public authority: forms and directions Man in India Статьи Самойличенко А.К.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Restrictions on foreign investment in Russian and Chinese law Russian Law: theory and practice Статьи Алексеенко А.П.
Paradigmatic guidelines for interpreting the institutional and functional characteristics of Public Power: rational-technological, biopolitical and sociocultural theoretical and conceptual approaches Man in India Статьи Тимофеева А.А.
Мордовцев А.Ю.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Paradigmatic guidelines for interpreting the institutional and functional characteristics of public power: “differential” and “substantial” approaches Man in India Статьи Тимофеева А.А.
Мордовцев А.Ю.
Мамычев А.Ю.
Models of the Relationship Between Church, State and Political Society: Neo-Thomists’ Arguments Man in India Статьи Шестопал С.С.
Medieval tradition of archetypal research of public-power organization: formation and evolution Man in India Статьи Филиппова М.К.
Мамычева Д.И.
Мамычев А.Ю.